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Marketing Inspiration offers a comprehensive range of marketing, training and business support services for businesses of all sizes and industries. So whether you want to tap into new markets, explore new ways to communicate with potential customers, or simply get your staff thinking about how to do the little things that matter better, we can help.

Do you have big ideas and need help to make them happen?

Starting a new business can be scary enough, let alone trying to work out how to get noticed and get customers to buy your product or service. Engaging a marketing specialist early in your journey can help put you on a path to success, giving you new ideas and ways of doing things you may not have already thought about. It’s worth a chat, isn’t it?

Do you need a fresh perspective on an old problem?

Sometimes, being too close to a problem isn’t a good thing. A fresh perspective might be all that’s needed to look at your business or issue differently, and find the solution to help you get ahead.  Or you might already have lots of “yes” people in your corner, and you want someone to challenge your ideas to make sure they’ll work? We’re straight shooters, and will tell you like it is.

A little inspiration and some guidance more what you’re looking for?

You might already have your own marketing person or team, but want some fresh ideas or guidance, while still getting your people to do the heavy lifting. We’re available to do as much or as little as you need, from strategy sessions to mentoring your junior marketing staff. Ultimately, we succeed when you succeed, so that’s all we care about.

We’re a small team with big ideas and work tirelessly to get the results your business wants.


Over the phone or online

(+61) 0407 275 652

PO Box 534

Gymea NSW 2227


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